The figure above represents a circle graph of Company H’s…

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on May 9, 2023



We are given a circle graph of Company H’s total expenses. Let’s start by sketching it below:

The figure above represents a circle graph of Company H's...

We are given that the total expenses of Company H are $5,400,000. We need to determine the total expenses for Division R. We see that angle x represents the central angle associated with Division R. We know that the central angle of a circle is proportional to the total degree measurement of a circle (360 degrees), so we can say that the expenses of Division R are also proportional to the total expenses of Company H.

We can now create the following proportion:

Degree measurement of angle x is to 360 degrees as the expenses of Division R are to the total expenses of Company H.

x/360 = R/5,400,000

5,400,000x = 360R

15,000x = R

We see that if we can determine a value for angle x, we can determine a value for R.

Statement One Alone: 

x = 94

Because x = 94, we can determine a value for R.

15,000(94) = R

1,410,000 = R

(Note:  We did not actually have to determine the product of 15,000 and 94. Since we knew we would get a unique answer for R, we knew we would have enough information to deem the statement sufficient.)

Statement one is sufficient to answer the question. We can eliminate answer choices B, C, and E.

Statement Two Alone: 

The total expenses for Divisions S and T are twice as much as the expenses for Division R.

The information in statement two does not give us enough information to determine the value of x. Statement two alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

Answer: A
