Right triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xy-plane…

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on May 4, 2023



We can start by drawing the triangle in the xy-plane. This will help us visualize how we are to solve the problem.

Right triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xy-plane...

As we can see, the right triangle has a right angle at point P and side PR is parallel to the x-axis; side PQ must be parallel to the y-axis.

To solve this question we need to determine how many ways we can construct points P, Q, and R, and then we will multiply those possibilities together. We are given that: -4 x  5 and 6 y16. This means that there are 10 possible integer values for the x-coordinate and 11 possible integer values for the y-coordinates.

Let’s start by determining how many ways we can construct point P.

Since P is the first point we are trying to determine, we have all the options for the available x- and y-coordinates. Since there are 10 possible x-coordinates and 11 possible y-coordinates we have (10)(11) = 110 possible options. Next, we determine how many options we have for point R.

In determining point R, we must recognize that side PR of triangle PQR must remain parallel to the x-axis. This means that the y-coordinate of point R, must match the y-coordinate of point P. Thus there is only 1 option for the y-coordinate of point R. However there are 9 total options for the x-coordinate of point R. Since point P has already exhausted 1 option out of the 10 total options, there are only 9 x-coordinates left for designating point R.

Finally, we determine how many ways in which we can construct point Q.

In a similar fashion to the method used for determining the number of ways to construct point R, we must remember that side PQ of triangle PQR must remain parallel to the y-axis. Thus, the x-coordinate of point Q must match the x-coordinate of point P. Therefore, there is only 1 option for the x-coordinate of point Q. However, there are 10 total options for the y-coordinate of point Q. Since point P has already exhausted 1 option out of the 11 total options, there are only 10 y-coordinates left for designating point Q.

In summary, we know the following:

There are 110 ways to select point P, 9 ways to select point R, and 10 ways to select point Q. Because we need to determine the total number of ways to create triangle PQR, we must use the fundamental counting principle. Thus, we multiply these three options together:

110 x 9 x 10 = 9,900

Answer: C
