Author: Scott Woodbury-Stewart
If you’re deciding whether to take the GMAT Focus or the GRE General Test for MBA programs, a big part of your decision probably rests on the differences between …
So, you want to know how to score high on GMAT Verbal. Excelling in GMAT Focus Edition Verbal is certainly no easy feat. The good news is that any …
The Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) offers MBA hopefuls two options for taking the GMAT. You can choose to take the test in person at a test center or …
GMAT myths and misconceptions are everywhere nowadays — anyone preparing for the GMAT exam has probably heard a few. For example, you may have heard the myth that you …
Business school hopefuls often ask us, Do you have to take GMAT for MBA programs? The answer, you may not be surprised to hear, is not as simple as …
Reading Comprehension (RC) questions make up roughly 60% of the questions in the Verbal section of the GMAT. So, knowing how to do well on GMAT Reading Comprehension is …
Since the 2023 release of the new GMAT exam, many MBA applicants have been wondering, “Can you skip questions on the GMAT?” Given the challenging content and time constraints …
Critical Reasoning (CR) questions are at the heart of what is tested on the GMAT, because CR questions directly challenge your thinking skills across a wide range of situations …