Author: Scott Woodbury-Stewart
If you’re thinking of taking the new version of the GMAT exam, the GMAT Focus Edition, you may have heard that there are some big changes in the Verbal …
Picking the right study materials is a crucial aspect of test preparation, particularly for test-takers targeting high GMAT scores. But with so many GMAT courses out there, it can …
With a new version of the GMAT, the GMAT Focus Edition, on the horizon, everyone is clamoring to find out more about when and how they can register for …
You may have heard that GMAT exam scores are getting an overhaul with the GMAT Focus Edition. It’s true — the GMAT scoring scale is different for the Focus …
A new version of the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), the GMAT Focus Edition, is coming soon! As a result, many MBA hopefuls are eager to find out when …
If you’re thinking about taking the new GMAT Focus Edition for your MBA applications, you’re probably wondering about the changes to GMAT scoring that the GMAT Focus brings. In …
Many test-takers want to know, what is the difference between GMAT Focus Edition and standard edition test preparation? Understandably, some are wondering whether their GMAT preparation will change significantly …
As you’ve probably heard, the Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) is releasing a new version of the GMAT called the GMAT Focus Edition. That new GMAT will include a …