Category: About the GMAT
Most GMAT test-takers set a total GMAT score goal early in their GMAT journey—in fact, it’s advisable to do so. The tricky part is figuring out specific goals for …
You may have heard that GMAT exam scores were overhauled with the advent of changes to the GMAT initiated on November 7, 2023. As a result, the GMAT scoring …
One of the questions we hear most frequently from students who are beginning their GMAT prep is, “Are calculators allowed on the GMAT?” It seems that every test has …
The GMAT is pricey! Registering for the in-person GMAT requires an investment of $275. Registering for the GMAT Online requires an investment of $300. So, it’s no wonder that …
How long are GMAT scores valid? Just as importantly, do business schools prefer recent GMAT scores? Or do they consider all valid GMAT scores equally, regardless of whether the …
Taking GMAT practice tests is an aspect of basically any GMAT study plan you can find. So, it’s natural that many GMAT students wonder, “Is the GMAT harder than …
If you’re new to the world of GMAT Focus, welcome! This article will provide you a complete GMAT Focus Math syllabus, to allow you to discover, in one place, …
No matter if you have been prepping for a while or are just beginning your GMAT Focus studying, you know that the Quantitative Reasoning section is a challenging component …