What amount did Jean earn from the commission on her sales

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on May 10, 2023



We need to determine the amount that Jean earned from the commission on her sales in the first half of 1988.

Statement One Alone: 

In 1988 Jean’s commission was 5 percent of the total amount of her sales.

Before analyzing statement one let’s define some variables:

a = Jean’s commission in the first half of 1988

b = Jean’s commission in the second half of 1988

A = Jean’s total sales in the first half of 1988

B = Jean’s total sales in the second half of 1988

We are trying to determine the value of a. In statement one we are given that in 1988 Jean’s commission was 5 percent of the total amount of her sales. Translating this into an equation gives us:

(a + b)/(A + B) = 0.05

Since we cannot determine a value for a, statement one alone is not sufficient to answer the question. We can eliminate answer choices A and D.

Statement Two Alone: 

The amount of Jean’s sales in the second half of 1988 averaged $10,000 more per month than in the first half.

Using the information in statement two we can create the following equation:

B/6 = (A/6) + 10,000

Multiplying the entire equation by 6 we obtain:

B = A + 60,000

Since we cannot determine a value for a, statement two alone is not sufficient to answer the question. We can eliminate answer choice B.

Statements One and Two Together: 

From statements one and two we have the following two equations:

1) (a + b)/(A + B) = 0.05

2) B = A + 60,000

We see that even if we substitute A + 60,000 for B in the equation (a + b)/(A + B) = 0.05, we still do not have enough information to determine the value of a.

Answer: E
