GMAT Coaching Online: Your Complete Guide

Reading Time: 16 minutes

If you’ve spent any time looking for GMAT coaching online, you know that there are a dizzying array of options. So, trying to determine what will be the most effective option can be a confusing and frustrating experience. Is private tutoring better than a GMAT class? Do online GMAT prep courses really work? What’s the most affordable resource?

In this article, we’ll answer all those questions and more, including:

  • what online GMAT prep options are available
  • what the advantages and disadvantages of each option are
  • how much GMAT coaching fees typically are for online prep.
GMAT Coaching Online

Here are all the topics we’ll cover:

First, let’s discuss the ways you can study for the GMAT online.

How Can I Study for GMAT Online?

For GMAT students, the days of buying 5 lb. books and commuting to in-person classes are over. Now, there are plenty of online options for anyone looking to ace the GMAT. These options mostly fall into one of three major categories:

  • live online classes
  • online private tutoring
  • online self-study courses

So, the question becomes, which method of GMAT coaching online is best? Let’s find out.

Which Coaching Is Best for GMAT Preparation Online?

Each type of online coaching for GMAT students has advantages and disadvantages. So, the best GMAT coaching online for one student won’t necessarily be best for another. In other words, it’s important to choose a GMAT coaching method that is appropriate for your unique situation. The main aspects of your situation that you’ll want to consider are:

  • your learning style
  • your schedule
  • your budget
  • your study goals

So, let’s examine the pros and cons of each of the three main types of GMAT coaching online, so you can get a solid sense of which type(s) will best align with the considerations above.


Consider your learning style, schedule, budget, and study goals when weighing the pros and cons of different types of GMAT coaching online.

We’ll start with live online classes.

Live Online Classes

Live-streamed GMAT classes are widely available and offer a convenient alternative to in-person classes. After all, generally, people can attend classes from anywhere as long as they have a stable internet connection. Some of the other main advantages of virtual GMAT classes are:

  • a familiar learning environment
  • a community of motivated peers to learn with
  • structure in your weekly study schedule

Let’s discuss each.

Pro: A Familiar Learning Environment

If you thrive in a traditional classroom environment, a live online GMAT class could be a great option for you. Sure, you’ll be in an online classroom instead of a physical one. But, in a good GMAT class, the virtual classroom allows for the same kind of dynamic learning experience, discussion, and interaction as an in-person class.

Most of us are very comfortable with being taught in a class environment, since the experience is so familiar. Feeling that comfort and familiarity from the get-go is an advantage because you can just focus on the material. There is nothing you have to “get used to.”

Of course, a huge advantage of traditional classroom learning is that an experienced, knowledgeable instructor is teaching you the material!


Live online GMAT classes are great for students who thrive in a traditional classroom environment where they can learn from an instructor.

Pro: A Community of Motivated Peers to Learn With

You never know who you’ll meet in class! Students from all over the world take online GMAT classes together. Some students find it incredibly rewarding and motivating to learn alongside their peers and interact with others who can relate to the challenges they face on the GMAT and in applying to business schools.

Having this built-in community also makes forming GMAT online study groups with like-minded students easy. Having a study group with some classmates can help keep you accountable and on track outside of class times.


Learning alongside like-minded peers can help keep you motivated and accountable in your GMAT prep.

Pro: Structure in Your Weekly Study Schedule

Live-streamed online classes meet at predetermined times each week, just as in-person classes would. Having set times blocked out when you know you’ll have to have homework assignments done by and be ready to learn the next GMAT topic on your syllabus can add some welcome structure to your study schedule and help you remain consistent, week in and week out, in your GMAT prep. If you’re someone whose busy schedule can take over or who has trouble self-motivating, having that structure set for you can be a major plus. If you’re using a self-study course or working with a tutor every so often, you won’t have that consistent obligation to “show up.”


A GMAT class can add structure to your study schedule and help you remain consistent in your GMAT prep.

Now that we understand the advantages of live online classes, let’s discuss a couple of downsides.

Con: Not Flexible

The flipside of adding structure to your study schedule is that class times aren’t flexible. So, if for example your work schedule changes from one week to the next or you have family responsibilities that can make your schedule unpredictable, a live GMAT class may not be the best option for you.

Fortunately, there are test prep companies that offer online GMAT classes to suit a variety of schedules. For example, TTP LiveTeach classes in the evenings during the week, in the mornings on the weekend, and so on. And if something comes up and you can’t attend a class, a recording of the class is available to you. So, you can always catch up on what you missed before the next class.

Con: Not Personalized

GMAT classes tend to offer an introduction to and a broad overview of GMAT topics. Additionally, when you join a GMAT class, there is a set syllabus. Sure, the instructor can adjust what is discussed depending on how students are doing in the class. However, you’re not going to get the kind of individualized instruction that, say, a private tutor would give. Consequently, at times you might feel that you’re wasting time in class going over topics that you already know. Or, you could fall behind in a large class. If the rest of the class is ready to move on from a topic, you’ll have to keep up, regardless of whether you completely understand that topic.

So, we can see that while a class may be a great option for some GMAT students, it may not fit the needs and goals of others. With that in mind, let’s discuss the next online GMAT coaching option: private tutoring.

Online Private Tutoring

Private tutoring is typically the most expensive of the three online GMAT coaching options. However, when you consider the advantages, it’s easy to see why GMAT students often choose to work with tutors. Some of the main advantages are:

  • totally personalized test prep
  • insights from an expert
  • flexible scheduling

Let’s discuss each.

Pro: Totally Personalized Test Prep

Unlike in a GMAT class or even with a customizable self-study course, your work with a GMAT tutor is completely personalized to you. So, if there are specific issues you have with the GMAT, virtual tutoring is a great option. An online tutor can work one-on-one with you on particular concepts you’re having trouble with, give you strategies to reduce test anxiety, help you stay motivated to study, and more. Tutors can also help diagnose what is holding back your GMAT score or identify misguided test-taking strategies or poor study habits you may not recognize.

The fact is, you’re not going to get such individualized attention in a class or with a self-study course. So, your study time may be more productive with a tutor. Thus, you may end up saving time on your prep. After all, every lesson will be focused on you — what you need to learn and what your sticking points are.


Online GMAT tutors offer a totally personalized approach to test prep and can help you master specific areas of weakness.

Pro: Insights from an Expert

A great GMAT tutor will have deep insights into how the GMAT tests different concepts. A great tutor will also know exactly what test-takers need to do to reach certain scores. Furthermore, an experienced tutor will have coached many, many GMAT students of all levels and backgrounds. So, that tutor will understand what works and what doesn’t for different students.

Every tutoring session you have allows you to tap into this well of knowledge. Your tutor can give you direct feedback throughout each lesson and answer all of your burning GMAT questions. For many students, one-on-one time with an expert makes all the difference in their GMAT performance.


One-on-one time to gain insights from and ask questions of an expert is a game-changer for many GMAT students.

Pro: Flexible Scheduling

Unlike an instructor of an online GMAT class, a tutor can be flexible with scheduling. If you have a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time, you may want to meet with a tutor multiple times a week to make sure you’re ready for test day. There may be one day a week when you need to meet in the morning and another day when an evening session is better. Working with a private tutor can be helpful if you have specific scheduling preferences that a class can’t accommodate.

Plus, you don’t have to stick with the same schedule throughout your GMAT prep. Perhaps you’ve been meeting with a tutor once a week, but you want to up your sessions to twice a week as test day approaches. Maybe you had a couple of online strategy sessions with a tutor when you started your GMAT prep, and going forward you’ll just schedule tutoring sessions here or there as issues arise in your studies. Clearly, you won’t get this kind of flexibility with a class that meets at a set time once or twice per week for several weeks or months.


A private tutor can accommodate your schedule and work with you more or less often at different points in your GMAT prep, depending on your needs.

So, we can see that there are some really significant benefits to working with a private tutor. Nonetheless, there are also a couple of major downsides. Let’s discuss.

Con: Costs Rack Up Quickly

I mentioned earlier that private tutoring is the most expensive GMAT coaching option. The thing is, with private tutoring, you pay an hourly rate. And, many GMAT students need more than just an hour or two with a tutor. So, the cost of private tutoring can rack up very quickly. In fact, a single hour of tutoring could cost just as much or more than a few months of an online self-study course.

Of course, that one hour could be absolute gold for your GMAT score. Nevertheless, if budgeting is a top priority for you, you should explore less expensive options for online GMAT coaching.

Additionally, some people don’t choose to study with an online tutor because of the cost. Tutoring can get expensive, especially over a long period of time.


Private tutoring costs can rack up quickly, especially if you need tutoring over an extended period of time.

Con: Not a Stand-Alone Solution

While students pay a premium for private tutoring, they also have to invest in other study resources. The fact is, working one-on-one with a tutor can be incredibly productive, but it can’t serve as your only method of GMAT prep. After all, you may meet with a tutor for only an hour or two each week — or every other week. How will you study the rest of the time? You will need study materials, whether books or a course, to use in the many hours when you aren’t meeting with your tutor.


If you work with a private tutor, you will still have to invest in other GMAT study resources to use outside of tutoring sessions.

Now, let’s discuss the third main option for GMAT coaching online: a self-study course.

Online Self-Study Courses

The most popular type of GMAT coaching online is self-study courses. Self-study courses are designed by experts, so you still get the benefit of GMAT coaching, but they allow you to learn at your own pace, on your time, in a way that live classes and tutoring simply cannot.

Here are a few reasons why so many students choose to self-study online for the GMAT:

  • comprehensive coverage of the GMAT
  • total control over your study schedule
  • budget-friendly without sacrificing quality

Let’s discuss each.

Pro: Comprehensive Coverage of the GMAT

A great online self-study course is going to give you absolutely everything you need to master the GMAT. It will both build foundational knowledge and skills and go in-depth on every single GMAT topic, giving you ample practice along the way in every topic you learn. You will not get that same comprehensive coverage of GMAT topics in a class or in tutoring sessions.

Moreover, a great self-study course will provide a step-by-step study plan that guides you from day 1 to test day. In other words, it does the planning for you. Knowing exactly what you need to do to reach your GMAT goal, every time you sit down to study, will save you a ton of time and make preparing for the GMAT a lot less stressful.

Additionally, a great self-study course will provide tools that automatically track your GMAT progress, such as detailed performance analytics and a built-in error log. Those tools will allow you to see your strengths and weaknesses at any moment, so you can be as strategic as possible with your study time. Plus, a great online course will have features that help make your study time as productive and engaging as possible. For example, the TTP course includes digital flashcards for drilling concepts and studying on the go.

Online classes and tutoring simply can’t offer all these valuable digital tools.


Online self-study courses are the most comprehensive option for GMAT prep.

Pro: Total Control Over Your Study Schedule

For GMAT students who work full-time or have fluctuating schedules, another major advantage of using an online self-study course is that you have complete control of when and where you study. You can study with your course on a flight, in a dentist’s waiting room, or during your lunch break at work. You can study at 6 a.m. or 11 p.m. No other online GMAT coaching option gives you that level of flexibility in scheduling study sessions.


Online self-study courses are the most flexible option in terms of scheduling study time.

Pro: Budget-Friendly Without Sacrificing Quality

When it comes to GMAT classes and tutoring, going for the cheapest option out there generally isn’t a great idea. That’s not to say that you can’t find affordable options. But remember, top-notch GMAT coaches are experienced professionals with specialized knowledge and track records of success, and they have to be compensated for their time.

When you use a self-study course, you don’t have to pay for an instructor’s time. Instead, you pay a set price for a certain number of months of access, and you can use your course as often as you want during that time.

Thus, self-study courses can be very affordable without sacrificing quality. While higher rates don’t necessarily indicate a better instructor, it isn’t exactly common for top professionals in any field or industry to charge rock-bottom prices for their services. So, if keeping your GMAT costs low is a high priority for you, a self-study course may be the way to go.


Online self-study courses are generally the most affordable option for GMAT prep.

With all these benefits, is there any reason not to use a self-study course? Let’s discuss.

Con: You’re Responsible for Finding Time to Study

Having total control over your study schedule also means that you’re solely responsible for finding the time to study on a consistent basis. There will be no tutor or set class times to keep you accountable. And, while an online self-study course can give you a study plan, it can’t actually force you to sit down and do the work.

So, if you think that creating your own study schedule and sticking to it is going to be a problem for you, you may want to opt for a class or work with a tutor.

Con: You Have to Be Self-Motivated

As we’ve already discussed, studying alongside your peers or having access to virtual mentoring from a private tutor can be extremely helpful for staying motivated throughout the process of studying for the GMAT. Preparing for the GMAT is a marathon, not a sprint. So, if you’re someone who struggles to self-motivate, studying solo all the time may make the GMAT prep process feel like a slog. Some people maintain their focus best on their own, while others are happier and more engaged learning with others. Just be aware that motivation is an issue you should consider when thinking about whether to use a self-study course.

Of course, a course such as TTP will be designed to help you stay motivated!


Look for an online self-study course that has some features that help you stay motivated.

So, we’ve examined the pros and cons of each of the main types of GMAT coaching online. Let’s now compare the costs of these study resources.

GMAT Coaching Fees

Below are typical GMAT coaching fees for each of the three online services we’ve discussed. Keep in mind that private tutoring fees are by the hour, so the amount you end up spending could be significantly higher than what you see below, depending on how many tutoring sessions you purchase.

Live classes typically charge a one-time registration fee, which covers the cost of attending classes that meet regularly over several weeks or months.

Self-study courses typically offer a few different options, allowing you to either pay a one-time fee up front for a set number of months of access (for example, 3 months, 6 months, or a year) or pay month-to-month for as long as you need the course. However, even 6 months of access to an online self-study course is typically still hundreds of dollars cheaper than a relatively inexpensive live online class, which may run for only 2 or 3 months.

Live ClassPrivate TutoringSelf-Study Course
Typical Fee (USD)$1,000-$2,000$100-$500 per hour$100-$1,000

So, GMAT coaching is clearly a significant investment. Is it worth it?

Is GMAT Coaching Worth It?

At this point, GMAT students typically have a couple of questions on their minds:

  1. Can’t I just use the Official Guide to study?
  2. What about all the free digital study materials I’ve seen online?

These are both great questions! Here’s the thing: both the Official Guide and free digital study materials — YouTube videos and web-based tutorials, GMAT study webinars and digital study guides (like the ones on this blog), full-length GMAT practice tests, etc. — can be worthwhile tools to include in your GMAT preparation. However, those study resources, or any patchwork of them, aren’t going to give you the kind of structured, linear guidance that test-takers need to master the GMAT.

Rather, relying on just those resources will likely make your GMAT prep disorganized and inefficient. Moreover, you’ll very likely end up with many gaps in your knowledge, and thus disappointing GMAT scores.

On the other hand, when you use any of the three GMAT online coaching resources we discussed in this article, provided you choose a reputable resource, you get a structured guidance that allows you to build your GMAT knowledge and skill progressively and ensures you’re not just spinning your wheels.

So, use digital study materials such as the OG or the TTP Free GMAT Resources to supplement your learning, not as your primary study resource. Studying for the GMAT is an investment that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. So, it’s worth it to invest in the GMAT coaching you need to reach your goals!


Use digital study materials such as the Official Guide or the TTP Free Resources as a supplement, not your primary study resource.

So, if you’re going to invest in one of the online GMAT coaching options we’ve discussed, how do you figure out which to choose?

How to Find the Best GMAT Coaching Online

To find the best GMAT coaching online, take advantage of the collective wisdom of other test-takers! Thousands of test-takers have gone through the GMAT study process before you. Fortunately, many of them have provided ratings and reviews online of the classes, courses, and test prep companies they have experience with.

For example, you can find ratings and detailed reviews of online GMAT self-study courses on GMAT Club and Beat the GMAT. Additionally, sites such as MBA Insights and Poets & Quants periodically publish rankings of the best GMAT prep courses available and compare the features those courses include.

If you’re looking for an online class or tutor, you could reach out to other GMAT students on GMAT Club or the GMAT subreddit for recommendations. You’ll also find that there are experts on those forums who tutor or teach GMAT classes and are providing responses to student posts. See whether any of those expert responses resonate with you, and then explore whether those experts offer private tutoring or teach classes. An established GMAT teacher or tutor should have a website (or be featured on a test prep company website) where you can find further information.

Also, test prep company websites should show student testimonials and provide detailed information about the company’s GMAT instructors and tutors, including the GMAT scores they earned and the years of experience they have.

The good news is that test prep companies frequently offer a free consultation with a tutor or a free or low-cost trial of a self-study course. So, take advantage of those opportunities, so that you can feel confident about the GMAT coaching you choose!


To find the best GMAT coaching online, check out rankings and verified reviews online and research tutors on test prep company websites.

GMAT Coaching Online: Summary of Features

The key to earning high GMAT scores is effective preparation. Fortunately, anyone can prepare effectively by using online GMAT coaching, and online coaching for GMAT exams is widely available. Just keep in mind that each online GMAT coaching option has advantages and disadvantages depending on your learning style, budget, study needs, and GMAT goals.

Here is a summary of the features the three main types of online GMAT coaching offer:

Live ClassPrivate TutoringSelf-Study Course
Flexible scheduling
Group learning
Totally personalized
Tracking and study tools

What’s Next?

Need personalized help from an expert GMAT coach? Schedule a free consultation with a TTP tutor today.

Looking for a live GMAT class online? TTP LiveTeach has you covered, with top-scoring GMAT teachers and classes to fit any schedule.

Happy studying!

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