GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We are given that x and y are positive and we must determine whether x < 10 < y. Statement One Alone: x < …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We are given that a clothing store acquired an item at a cost of x dollars and sold the item for y dollars. We …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We need to determine whether 9^x + 9^-x = b. Statement One Alone: 3^x + 3^-x = √(b+2) We first square both sides of …
Let’s face it. Most people are not excited about taking the GMAT Focus Edition. In fact, for many of us, preparing for and taking the exam can be extremely …
Starting with the basics, Target Test Prep experts Scott Woodbury-Stewart and Jeffrey Miller guide you through high-value functions problems and sequences problems.
Target Test Prep expert Jeffrey Miller guides you through the basics of combinations and permutations as well as more advanced GMAT concepts and practice problems to help you with …
Practice challenging probability problems and get some valuable math tips to increase your efficiency on the GMAT in this webinar with Target Test Prep experts Scott Woodbury-Stewart and Jeffrey …
Join Target Test Prep experts Scott Woodbury-Stewart and Jeffrey Miller for this in-depth look at exponents and roots problems on the GMAT.