GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS – Solution: An easy way to solve the problem is to set up a double set matrix. In our matrix we have two main categories: …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We need to determine the value of n in the list: n, 15, 12, 9, 20. Statement One Alone: n > 12 Only knowing …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We start by sketching the triangle. We need to determine the angle with the greatest degree measure. Remember that the angle with the greatest …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We are given that there are 18 seats in the first row of an auditorium and that in each row after the first there …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We are given that n + k = m, and we need to determine the value of k. Since we know that n + …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We are given that Car X follows Car Y across a bridge that is ½ mile long. We need to determine the time, in …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We need to determine the cube root of w. Thus, if we have a value for w, we can determine the value of the …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE DS Solution: We need to determine whether i + j is an even integer. Remember: even + even = even odd + odd = even Thus, …