GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We can start by drawing the triangle in the xy-plane. This will help us visualize how we are to solve the problem. As we …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We start by simplifying the numerator and denominator of the given fraction. First, we simplify the numerator: (0.0015)(10^m) It will be helpful to convert …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This problem is best solved by setting up a diagram to represent the markings. We are given that we are marking the pipe into …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This is a great problem because we can solve it using equations and substitution, or we can employ some estimation because the equation we …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This is an overlapping set question that is testing our ability to solve for maximum and minimum values. We know this because the answer …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: The first thing we want to do is to decipher the problem. The key word here is “product;” we are told that the product …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We are given the reciprocal of r is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of x and y. Thus we can say: 1/r …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We begin by creating a right triangle with the x-axis, the radius of circle C to the x-axis and the line segment from center …