GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: To solve this problem we can view it as a type of “shaded region” problem, in which we first determine the area of the …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We can solve this problem in a similar manner to solving a work problem, and we can use a table to organize our information. …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: Although this problem appears to be a general word problem it is actually testing us on our understanding of remainders when dividing integers. We …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We would never be asked to calculate 3^8 or 2^8, so we must approach this problem not as an arithmetic question but as an …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This is a percent decrease problem. We will use the formula: percent change = (new – old)/old x 100 to calculate the final answer. …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We are given two pieces of information that can be translated into equations. However, before we make those equations let’s set up some variables …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: The fractional ratio indicates that for every 3 Republicans, there are 5 Democrats, a ratio of 3 : 5. We first set up this …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We use the term “leading zeros” to describe the zeros between the decimal point and the first nonzero decimal digit. To complete this problem …