Tag: GMAT OG 2018
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: Let’s first calculate the mean (arithmetic average). mean = sum/quantity mean = (n + n + 1 + n + 2 + n + …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: To solve we will use the zero product property. The zero product property states that if the product of two quantities is equal to …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS – Solution: When we divide decimals without a calculator, it is easier if we first convert all of the decimal numbers to whole numbers. If …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We are given that newspaper A sold for $1 and that newspaper B sold for $1.25. Next we are are given that that p …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This is a problem testing us on our knowledge of weighted averages. To solve, we can set up a weighted average equation: (Revenue for …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: When reading through this question, notice that we are asked which of the following is a POSSIBLE value of E – S. This tells …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We are first given the individual probabilities that Xavier, Yvonne, and Zelda WILL solve the problem. We list these below: P(Xavier will solve) = …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We are given the equation y = kx + 3, where k is a constant. We are also given that y = 17 when …