Tag: Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We must first simplify the expression in the square root **before **actually taking the square root. In other words, we have to get the …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This problem is testing us on our knowledge of variables in a “work” question. Ultimately, we are solving for time. Since rate x time …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: The easiest way to solve this problem is to actually count the dots on the graph that fit the given criteria. We must find …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: To solve, we use the average equation: average = sum/quantity We don’t know the individual scores for each of the first 4 tests, but …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: To solve this problem, we start by setting up two variables for the lengths of the long and short pieces of rope. L = …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: To solve, we will use the number given in each Roman numeral to determine the average and median and determine whether they are equal. …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: We are given that a case contains c cartons. Each carton contains b boxes, and each box contains 100 paper clips. Thus we can …
GMAT OFFICIAL GUIDE PS Solution: This problem is easiest solved by plugging in each answer choice. A) (100 + 1)/1 = 101/1 = 101 Answer choice A yields an …