Wharton MBA GMAT Scores: What Score Do I Need?

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Last Updated on November 23, 2023

The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania has one of the most well-known MBA programs in the world — and one of the most highly ranked. The M7 school was ranked #2 among full-time MBA programs on U.S. News’ 2022 list of the Best Business Schools (Stanford took the #1 slot). In fact, Wharton has consistently landed in the top 5 of MBA rankings in recent years. So, it’s no surprise that MBA admissions at Wharton is a very competitive process. Having an impressive GMAT score can be an important factor in making your application stand out among the pack.

Wharton GMAT score

In this article, we’ll take a look at the average GMAT scores of MBA students at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, as well as other key aspects of the Wharton MBA class profile, and discuss some criteria for determining what GMAT score you need to apply to Wharton.

Having an impressive GMAT score can be an important factor in making your application stand out among the pack.

First, let’s take a look at the Wharton MBA acceptance rate.

The Wharton MBA Acceptance Rate

The Wharton MBA acceptance rate has hovered around 20% over the past few years, although Wharton did not publish its acceptance rate for the incoming class in 2020. We do, however, know the Wharton MBA acceptance rate for the incoming classes of the 3 years prior. Let’s take a look.

Wharton MBA Acceptance Rate: Incoming Year 2017-2019

Incoming YearAcceptance Rate

You’ll notice a bit of jump — 2.5% — in the acceptance rate for the MBA class of 2021, which entered the program in 2019. Wharton reported a dip in application volume for the class of 2021, a trend that did not hold for the class of 2022, which was Wharton’s largest ever (we’ll talk more about the class of 2022 shortly). In fact, 1,200 more people applied for a seat in Wharton’s class of 2022 than applied the prior year, an increase of 21%.

Even accounting for the lower-than-usual application volume for the MBA class of 2021, 21% is a pretty significant jump. So, with more future MBA students throwing their hats in the ring at Wharton, I wouldn’t count on the acceptance rate staying at the high-water mark it reached for the class of 2021. The safest guess is that the acceptance rate will settle back down in the 19-21% range we saw in previous years. And if applications to Wharton continue to soar in the coming years, I wouldn’t be surprised if the acceptance rate dips even lower.

So, the competition has been heating up at Wharton! Let’s take a look at who your competitors could be.

The Wharton MBA Class Profile: Class of 2022

As I mentioned already, Wharton’s incoming class in 2020 was its largest ever: out of 7,158 applicants, 916 enrolled in Wharton’s MBA program as members of the class of 2022. Students of color made up 5% more of the class than in the previous year, 41% vs. 36%, but the proportion of women dropped 5%, from 46% to 41%.

The biggest shift in the demographic makeup of Wharton’s incoming class was in international students — possibly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The proportion of those students decreased from 34% and 30% incoming in 2018 and 2019, respectively, to just 19% incoming in 2020.

Despite those demographic changes, finance remained the top sector from which incoming students hailed, with 24% of the class of 2022 coming from consulting backgrounds and 12% coming from private equity/venture capital. The industry with the least representation in the class of 2022 was media/entertainment, at just 1%, followed closely by the energy sector, at 2%. Wharton’s class of 2022 had an average of 5 years of work experience, though years in the professional world ranged from 0 to 14.

The class of 2022 also had an average GPA of 3.6, with undergraduate majors fairly evenly split among three categories: Humanities (38%), Business (34%), and STEM (28%). Interestingly, the number of MBA students entering with undergraduate degrees in Business jumped significantly from that of the previous 4 years, when that number held steady at 26-27%.

It’s also interesting to note that the average GPA and work experience at Wharton was in keeping with the averages at other M7 schools. For instance, the Harvard MBA class of 2022 had an average GPA of 3.7 and an average of 4.7 years in the professional world, numbers very similar to Wharton’s. So, if you’re interested in applying to M7 schools in general, it’s important to keep those stats in mind.

In general, it’ll be important to keep the Wharton MBA class profile in mind when you’re thinking about how to set your GMAT score goal for Wharton, but I’ll talk about that more shortly. For now, let’s take a look at what the Wharton GMAT score range and average GMAT score have been in recent years.


It’s important to keep the Wharton MBA class profile in mind when you’re setting your GMAT score goal to apply to Wharton.

Wharton GMAT Scores: A 5-Year View

Although earning a 700+ score on the GMAT certainly isn’t required, as we take a look at the Wharton average GMAT scores over the past 5 years, you’ll notice that the average GMAT score has remained well above 700. Of course, an average is just that, so it’s important to also consider the Wharton GMAT score ranges of accepted MBA students. So, let’s take a look at the 5-year data for the GMAT average and score range. (Note that Wharton did not disclose a score range for the class of 2022.)

Wharton MBA GMAT Scores: Class of 2018-2022

Class of ...Wharton Average GMAT ScoreWharton GMAT Score Range

The first thing you probably noticed was the 10-point drop in the Wharton average GMAT score from the MBA class of 2021 to the class of 2022. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing why that decrease occurred. It could be a product of the larger class size and, perhaps, less of an emphasis on test scores during the COVID pandemic. However, without further information, we really can only speculate. And since Wharton did not publish a GMAT score range or average GMAT section scores for the class of 2022, we don’t have much information to go on.

Regardless of the reason for the drop in the average score, we can see that the average remains impressive. And, given that pandemic turned the testing landscape on its head in 2020, it’s probably a safer bet to consider the test scores for that incoming class year an anomaly, rather than a new standard, and look to prior years to get a sense of the typical GMAT scores at Wharton.

Taking a closer look at the Wharton GMAT score range, we see a pretty wide swing in the total score, 250 points for the MBA class of 2021. That range is in keeping with the GMAT range in previous years — not surprising, since the average GMAT score basically held steady.


With the exception of the class of 2022, Wharton MBA students in recent years have had an average GMAT score of 730 to 732, although scores have ranged from as low as 500 to as high as 790.

So, can we interpret these averages as a clear sign that 730 is “the magic number” when it comes to Wharton MBA GMAT scores, or is there more to consider when setting your score goal for Wharton? (Drumroll … there’s more!) Let’s investigate.

Balancing Your GMAT Score With Other Factors

There is no doubt that impressive test scores can only help in the application process at a top-ranked business school such as Wharton. However, the truth is that MBA programs don’t admit applicants based on any one factor in isolation. Rather, they evaluate applicants holistically. Furthermore, business schools generally seek to create a dynamic environment for their students, one that reflects the real world. So, while common trends certainly exist across most MBA programs (backgrounds in finance, for example), business schools still value students with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Thus, there are numerous factors that business school admissions committees weigh when deciding who makes the cut.

For instance, as we saw when we looked at the Wharton MBA class profile, the average GPA and professional experience of Wharton’s class of 2022 were no less impressive than the average GMAT score. And you can bet that those applicants came with stellar recommendations and won admissions officers over with polished application essays, too. The fact is, meeting the average GMAT score isn’t a guarantee of admittance to any MBA program, much less a top program.

Luckily, it’s also true that a lower-than-average GMAT score doesn’t necessarily spell doom. We already saw that there was a 250-point swing in the GMAT scores of students accepted to Wharton’s MBA program. So, clearly some students were exceptional enough in other areas of their applications to earn a seat despite GMAT scores that fell well below the average of admitted applicants. Perhaps they had impressive careers and certifications such as CPA/CA/CFA. Perhaps they came from an underrepresented background or industry and had advanced degrees or perfect GPAs.

The point is, your GMAT is just one factor among many, so determining what score you need to apply to Wharton is a matter of both looking at GMAT averages AND carefully analyzing your strengths and weaknesses in other areas.

Nevertheless, your GMAT score is an important factor in MBA admissions decisions, not only because the applicant pool is so competitive at top-ranked schools such as Wharton, but also because MBA programs generally regard the GMAT as a reliable predictor of a student’s ability to succeed in business school. So, a GMAT score on the higher end of the class range could be a “gold star” on your application — and a much-needed one, if your applicant profile is weak in other areas. Of course, if your GPA is lower than the average and your work experience is lacking, an impressive GMAT score may not be enough to get your foot in the door.


MBA programs don’t admit applicants based on any one factor in isolation. Rather, they evaluate applicants holistically, seeking a diverse and dynamic class of students.

So, how high a GMAT score is high enough for you? Should you shoot for average? The top end of the range? Let’s take a look at everything you need to consider when setting your score goal.

What GMAT Score Do I Need For Wharton’s MBA Program?

Generally speaking, a good GMAT score is one that is equal to your target school’s median or average score. However, as we’ve just discussed, all MBA applicants are different, so a desirable GMAT score for one Wharton applicant may not be so desirable for another applicant.

With that in mind, it’s wise to think of your direct competition as not the entire Wharton applicant pool but just those applicants whose profiles are similar to yours. So, if “the pool you’re swimming in” is particularly deep, you may need a higher GMAT score in order to float to the top.

For example, let’s say your applicant profile falls mostly within the averages at Wharton — perhaps you’re a white male with an undergraduate degree in Business, a GPA of 3.7, and about 5 years of work experience in venture capital. In that case, you may need something in your applicant profile that makes you stand out as more than “average.” A GMAT score well above the Wharton average of 722-732, perhaps a score of 770 or 780, could be just the thing to give your application that extra push to the top of the pile.

On the other hand, let’s say you’re an international student with 8 years of work experience in a less-represented industry such as health care (only 5% of Wharton’s class of 2022 hailed from that industry) and a GPA of 4.0. In that case, the pool you’re wading in will be far smaller, so you may feel comfortable applying with a GMAT score that falls at or below the Wharton average, perhaps a score of 690 or 700. You may, in fact, be a highly desirable candidate, in light of your overall profile.


When setting your GMAT score goal, consider how big the pool is of applicants whose profiles are similar to yours.

Of course, “unique” data points in your profile are not an automatic advantage when applying to MBA programs. Even if you come from an underrepresented background or industry, you have to be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and proficiencies necessary to be successful in graduate-level business classes with other highly skilled and knowledgeable future MBAs.

For example, perhaps your work experience is in the media sector, which we noted earlier was extremely uncommon for Wharton’s class of 2022. Is that unique data point reason enough to assume that you’ll be a competitive applicant to Wharton’s MBA program with a GMAT score of 680? Not quite. While your unique professional background could be an advantage to your candidacy, it could just as easily end up being a disadvantage — say, if you don’t have much of a background in quant, or your undergraduate performance in quant-focused courses was lackluster.

In a case like that, shooting for a top-notch Quant score, say a score of 50 or 51, would probably be a smart play. Keep in mind that top MBA programs typically prefer to see GMAT Quant scores of 47 or higher, so if your quant background is weak, aiming for the higher end of the scale makes a lot of sense. Such a score could go a long way in alleviating any worries admissions might have that you wouldn’t be able to handle rigorous, graduate-level classes focused on subjects such as finance, economics, and statistical analysis. Furthermore, since business schools generally prefer to see fairly “balanced” GMAT section scores, and admissions might expect to see an impressive Verbal score from an applicant with a media background, you’d probably want to end up with a total score that beats the Wharton average. Then (assuming no other glaring weaknesses) you might really have an edge, because you would be showcasing strong quantitative skills and uncommon verbal abilities.

In general, a section score that is unexpectedly impressive for a person with your particular background can be one way to help your application stick in the mind of admissions. For instance, let’s say you have a strong background in Quant (a common scenario at Wharton and at M7 schools in general), and you’re also in an overrepresented group in just about every respect. In that case, a GMAT Verbal score above 40 could be valuable in making your profile stand out among a sea of similar applicants, particularly if you score in the coveted top 2% of all test-takers (V44+). Remember, people in groups that are overrepresented in MBA applicant pools typically need to earn higher GMAT scores overall in order to stand out among their peers.

Of course, none of these numbers are set in stone; you must evaluate your strengths and weaknesses as an individual and set your GMAT score goals accordingly. However, you can use the general recommendations I’ve provided as a guide, keeping in mind that your GMAT scores can be a valuable tool for filling “gaps” in your applicant profile and giving yourself the best possible chance at admittance.


Top MBA programs typically prefer to see GMAT Quant scores of 47 or higher, so if your quant background is somewhat weak, consider aiming for the higher end of the scale.

Shooting for the “Safe Zone”

As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all calculation for figuring out what GMAT score you need to be admitted to Wharton’s MBA program, and there certainly are no guarantees. Moreover, while we know some averages and trends, it’s impossible to know exactly how stiff the competition will be from one year to the next or how large the applicant pool might get.

So, when seeking admission to such a selective program, a smart strategy is to shoot for the “safe zone” when setting your GMAT score goal. Let me reiterate, the “safe zone” is not a guarantee of admittance; you can never safely assume that you’ll get into a school just because you have a certain GMAT score. Rather, the “safe zone” is a GMAT score that you can at least feel confident won’t be a red flag on your application.

If you are from an overrepresented group or industry, your “safe zone” GMAT score is one that beats the Wharton average. And without additional years of data showing a downward trend in GMAT scores, I recommend going by the Wharton averages of the 2018-2021 classes. So, aim for a GMAT score that is higher than 730.

If you are from an underrepresented group or industry, your “safe zone” GMAT score is one that at least meets the Wharton average. So, aim for a score of at least 730. Does meeting the average mean that if you score 730 on your GMAT, but you know that you have a good shot at increasing that score on a second attempt, you shouldn’t bother because you’re from an underrepresented group? Not necessarily. If, say, your practice test scores were consistently higher than the score you earned on your actual GMAT, it may be worthwhile to give the GMAT another shot, so you can really make your application stand out.

Additionally, regardless of whether your background is overrepresented or underrepresented at Wharton, if your GPA or years of work experience are notably lower than the averages for the current Wharton MBA class, consider aiming for a GMAT score that approaches the top end of the Wharton GMAT score range. You don’t necessarily have to shoot for a score of 790, but depending on how far below the averages you fall, you may not want to dip below 760. If, for example, you have a strong GPA but a year or less of work experience, a score of 770 or higher could help convince admissions that you’re ready to sit at the table with the big dogs.


If your GPA or years of work experience are notably lower than the averages for the current Wharton MBA class, consider aiming for a GMAT score that approaches the top end of the Wharton GMAT score range.

Whatever GMAT score you aim for, remember: if you work hard, have a smart study plan, and refuse to give up, you CAN achieve the GMAT score of your dreams. For more tips on setting your GMAT score goal, check out this article on what a good GMAT score is.

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