GMAT Math Problems with Solutions

Reading Time: 18 minutes

If you are currently studying for the GMAT and are in the thick of your prep, you already know the importance of practicing GMAT math problems. To help with your practice, we’re presenting you with a representative selection of GMAT math problems with solutions. Of course, practicing the questions here is just a start. If you need more practice after completing what we offer in this article, please check out the Target Test Prep Online GMAT Course.

GMAT Math Problems with Solutions

Here is what we’ll cover in this article:

Before we jump into examples of GMAT math questions, let’s discuss some key basics of GMAT quant.

The Topics Tested in GMAT Quant

Here is the good news regarding the topics in the GMAT quantitative section. They are similar to those you studied in high school. So, as you jump into your GMAT math prep or even take practice tests, I’m sure many concepts and techniques will begin to come back to you.

However, as you may have already discovered, the math questions you see on the GMAT are not the same types of questions you saw in high school. The GMAT, especially the Data Sufficiency questions, will test your ability to evaluate math analytically. So, you will train new math “muscles” as you learn GMAT quant.


Although the topics tested on the GMAT are similar to those you saw in high school, the question types are not.

Here is the list of the quant topics tested on the GMAT.

An Overview of the GMAT Quant Topics

  • Basic Arithmetic Problems
  • Algebra Problems
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Number Properties
  • Roots
  • Exponents
  • Inequalities
  • Absolute Values
  • General Word Problems
  • Rates
  • Work Problems
  • Unit Conversions
  • Ratios
  • Percents
  • Statistics
  • Overlapping Sets
  • Combinations and Permutations
  • Probability
  • Geometry Problems
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Sequences
  • Functions

It’s important to understand that each of these 21 major math topics includes a number of subtopics.

Each Major GMAT Quant Topic Can Be Broken Down Into Subtopics

I often speak with students seeking GMAT math help. In those conversations, I help them analyze their math weaknesses. Most students will look at the macro list and say something like “I struggle with Number Properties.” While such statements are helpful, it’s much more important to understand students’ struggles on a more granular level.

For example, Number Properties includes many subtopics, such as even/odd numbers, positive/negative numbers, divisibility, remainders, the least common multiple, and the greatest common factor, to name a few. It’s possible that a student could excel in some of these subtopics and not in others. So, simply identifying that you struggle with Number Properties, at the end of the day, provides limited information.

Thus, when you’re analyzing your GMAT quant skills, it’s important to look at how you perform on a subtopic, not just a broad area of quant!


There are 21 major quant topics on the GMAT, but each main topic includes multiple subtopics.

Now, let’s discuss the GMAT quant question types.

The Types of Questions in GMAT Quant

In the GMAT quant section, you will encounter two main types of GMAT quant questions: Problem Solving (PS) and Data Sufficiency (DS) problems. Of the 31 questions in the quant section of the GMAT, roughly 20 will be PS questions and 11 will be DS questions.


Of the 31 questions in GMAT quant, roughly 20 are Problem Solving questions and 11 are Data Sufficiency questions.

Let’s now discuss GMAT problem-solving questions in a bit more detail.

GMAT Problem-Solving Questions

GMAT Problem-Solving questions are a type of question with which you are likely already familiar. This multiple-choice question type presents five answer choices: A, B, C, D, and E, and there is only one correct answer for each question.

Any concept could be tested in a PS question, including all 21 topics we listed previously. To get a feel for how the GMAT presents these questions, let’s do some GMAT Problem Solving practice questions. You’ll notice that each sample question is categorized by major topic and subtopic.

Problem-Solving Example 1

Major Topic: Quadratic Equations

Subtopic: The Difference of Squares

What is the value of 998^2 – 2^2?

  • 988,036
  • 990,000
  • 995,988
  • 996,000
  • 1,000,000


If we recognize this question as a difference of squares, we can solve it in less than 30 seconds, doing all the calculations in our heads.

We can recall the fact that, for any numbers a and b, a^2 – b^2 = (a – b)(a + b), we can apply this equation to the expression in the question stem, with a = 998 and b = 2. Thus, we can re-express 998^2 – 2^2 as follows:

998^2 – 2^2 = (998 – 2)(998 + 2) = (996)(1,000) = 996,000

Note that we could have instead solved this question by performing the unwieldy and time-consuming calculation of 998^2, and then subtracting 4. But, instead, by knowing and applying the difference of squares concept, we have avoided the risk of making an arithmetic mistake, and we’ve gained valuable extra time for solving later questions in the quant section.

Answer: D

Problem-Solving Example 2

Major Topic: Number Properties

Subtopic: Units Digit Patterns

What is the units digit of 7^15?

  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9


When we raise the base 7 to successive integer powers, a pattern of the units (ones) digit is revealed. Let’s determine that pattern now by calculating the first few powers of 7.

7^1 = 7 units digit is 7

7^2 = 49 units digit is 9

7^3 = 343 units digit is 3

7^4 = 2,401 units digit is 1

7^5 = 16,807 units digit is 7

So, we see that the units digits of powers of 7 have a repeating pattern of 4 numbers: 7-9-3-1. Thus, every 4th exponent has the same units digit. For example, we see that 7^4, 7^8, 7^12, … etc., will all have the same units digit of 1.

Therefore the most straightforward way of determining the units digit of 7^15 is to find an exponent that is a multiple of 4 close to 15. We know from our pattern that 7^16 must have a units digit of 1. Now, using the pattern 7-9-3-1, we know that 7^15 must have a units digit of 3.

Answer: B

Problem-Solving Example 3

Major Topic: Exponents

Subtopic: Solving Exponential Equations by Combining Exponential Expressions With Like Bases

If 16x + 2 * 86 = 326, then x is equal to which of the following?

  • 0
  • 1/2
  • 1
  • 3/2
  • 2


First, notice that we can’t combine any of the expressions in the equation until we re-express the terms with like bases. In this case, the current bases, 16, 8, and 32, can all be expressed as powers of 2. So, we will use the facts that 16 = 2^4, 8 = 2^3, and 32 = 2^5 to rewrite the equation.

16x + 2 * 86 = 326

(24)x + 2 * ( 23)6 = ( 25)6

24x + 8 * 218 = 230

So now that all terms in the equation now have the same base, we can combine them, using the fact that when we multiply two terms with like bases, we add the exponents:

24x + 8 + 18 = 230

24x + 26 = 230

We can now use the fact that when we have two expressions like bases on either side of an equation, we can equate the exponents.

4x + 26 = 30

4x = 4

x = 1

Answer: C

Problem-Solving Example 4

Major Topic: General Word Problems

Subtopic: Age Problems

Marla is 20 years older than Angelina. In 5 years, Marla will be 3 times as old as Angelina. What will Marla’s age be in 3 years?

  • 38
  • 33
  • 28
  • 25
  • 23


First, let’s define our two variables:

M = Marla’s age today

A = Angelina’s age today

Next, we can write two equations from the information presented in the problem stem.

Since Marla is 20 years older than Angelina, we have:

M = A + 20 (equation 1)

Since in 5 years, Marla will be 3 times as old as Angelina, we have:

M + 5 = 3(A + 5)

M + 5 = 3A + 15

M = 3A + 10 (equation 2)

Next, from equation 1, we can substitute A + 20 for M in equation 2, and then solve for A:

A + 20 = 3A + 10

10 = 2A

5 = A

Finally, we see that Angelina is 5 years old. Thus, Marla is currently 5 + 20 = 25 years old. So, in 3 years, Marla will be 28 years old.

Answer: C

Problem-Solving Example 5

Major Topic: Rates

Subtopic: Average Rates

Paul walks from home to work at a rate of 5 mph and bikes home from work along the same route at 12 mph. What is his average speed for the round trip?

  • 7/2
  • 90/17
  • 120/17
  • 17/2
  • 9


Since we have an average rate question we can use the following formula:

average rate = total distance / total time

Since the distance is the same in both directions, we can use a smart number to represent the one-way distance. A good number to use would be one that is divisible by both 5 and 12, so we can let the distance each way = 60.

So, the time going to work is 60/5 = 12, and the time going home from work is 60/12 = 5.

Finally we can determine the average rate:

average rate = total distance / total time

average rate = (60 + 60)/(12 + 5)

average rate = 120/17

Answer: C

Problem-Solving Example 6

Major Topic: Percents

Subtopic: Percent Translations

If p is 500 percent of q, and q is 400 percent of z, then z is what percent of p?

  • 2
  • 5
  • 80
  • 100
  • 200


First, we can note that 500% of a number is equivalent to 5 times that number, and 400% of a number is equivalent to 4 times that number. Next, with these facts in mind, we can create two equations:

p = 5q (equation 1)

q = 4z (equation 2)

We can substitute 4z for q in equation 1:

p = 5(4z)

p = 20z (equation 3)

Now, to find out what percent z is of p, we can divide these two quantities and multiply the result by 100:

z/p ✕ 100

Finally, we can simplify this expression if we use equation 3, plugging in 20z for p:

z/p ✕ 100 = z/20z ✕ 100 = 1/20 ✕ 100 = 100/20 = 5

Thus, z is 5% of p.

Answer: B

Problem-Solving Example 7

Major Topic: Combinations and Permutations

Subtopic: Choosing Multiple Items in a Combination Problem

A treasure chest contains 5 different rubies, 4 different emeralds, and 3 different diamonds. If a pirate picks 5 jewels from the chest, 3 of which are rubies, how many possible ways exist for him to pick the jewels?

  • 21
  • 31
  • 190
  • 210
  • 1,584


First, he chooses 3 rubies out of 5. Since the order doesn’t matter, we use combinations to count the number of possibilities. Recall the formula for a combination choosing k objects out of n objects is nCk = n! / k!(n-k)!. Thus, the number of ways to choose just the 3 rubies is:

5C3 = 5! / 3!(5-3)! = 5! / 3!(2)! = 5x4x3x2x1 / 3x2x1x2x1 = 20 / 2 = 10

Now, there are 2 remaining choices to make, and there are 7 non-rubies remaining in the chest. Thus, the number of ways to choose the 2 jewels out of 7 is:

7C2 = 7! / 2!(7-2)! = 7! / 2!5! = 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 / 2x1x5x4x3x2x1 = 42 / 2 = 21

There are 10 ways to choose the rubies and 21 ways to choose the remaining jewels.

Therefore, the total number of ways to choose the 5 jewels is 10 ✕ 21 = 210.

Answer: D

Problem-Solving Example 8

Major Topic: Geometry

Subtopic: Area of a Rectangle

The length of a particular rectangle is twice its width. If the area of the rectangle is 72, what is its length?

  • 3
  • 6
  • 12
  • 24
  • 30


First, we can define our two variables:

L = length

W = width

We know that the length of the rectangle is twice the width. This can be expressed as:

L = 2W

Next, we are told that the area of the rectangle is 72. Recall that the area of any rectangle is the product of its length and its width:

A = L ✕ W

72 = L ✕ W

Lastly, we can substitute 2W for L to solve for W:

72 = 2W ✕ W

72 = 2W^2

36 = W^2

6 = W

Note that we chose only the positive square root of 36 because the width cannot be negative.

Since L = 2W, we see that L = 2 ✕ 6 = 12, and so the length of the rectangle is 12.

Answer: C

Now that we have practiced many problem-solving questions, let’s shift the conversation to Data Sufficiency questions.

GMAT Data Sufficiency Questions

Data Sufficiency (DS) questions differ in style from problem-solving questions. While in a problem-solving question, you must come up with a precise number answer, in Data Sufficiency questions, you must decide whether you have enough information to come up with a definitive answer.

A DS question usually provides information in a problem stem, a question, and two statements. Your job is to see whether one statement, either statement, or both statements are sufficient to answer the given question. If this seems a bit confusing, don’t worry. With practice, you can learn the logic underlying DS questions, and soon you’ll be a pro!


When solving Data Sufficiency questions, you must decide whether you have enough information to determine an answer.

Next, we will review the answer choices you should memorize for DS questions.

Memorize the Data Sufficiency Answer Choices

One thing that makes Data Sufficiency questions easier for us is that, although they always have five answer choices, those choices are the same for every question! Thus, it will serve you well to memorize the DS answer choices. Doing so is as important as memorizing math formulas or math shortcuts.

Here are the DS answer choices:

Answer A: Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer B: Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer C: BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer D: EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.

Answer E: Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.


Memorize the DS answer choices.

Next, let’s discuss the first type of DS question: the value question.

The Value Data Sufficiency Question

We already know that in Data Sufficiency questions, we need to determine whether we have enough information to answer a particular question. In a value question, we need to determine whether we have enough information to generate a single numerical answer.

Let’s look at a few example question prompts below:

— What is the value of n – m?

— What is the hundredths digit of x?

— How many people work for company Q?

— What is the average of x and y?

— How many dollars did Marcus pay for his phone call?


In value Data Sufficiency questions, our job is to see if we have enough information to determine a single numerical value for the question asked.

Let’s now practice with some examples in which we will also provide full math solutions.

Value DS Example 1:

Major Topic: Quadratic Equations

Subtopic: Don’t Divide by a Variable Whose Value Could Be Zero

What is the value of n?

1) n2 = 24n

2) n > 0


Statement (1) Alone:

It might be tempting to divide both sides of the given equation by n. But recall that we cannot divide both sides of an equation by a variable unless we are sure that the variable can’t be equal to 0. In statement (1), we are told nothing about whether n is equal to 0. So, we have to do some other algebra to solve for n:

n2 = 24n

n2 – 24n = 0

n(n – 24) = 0

We see that there are two solutions to the equation: n = 0 or n = 24. Thus, we cannot determine a unique value of n. Therefore, statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question, “What is the value of n?” So, we can eliminate answer choices A and D.

Statement (2) Alone:

Knowing only that n is greater than 0 is not sufficient to determine a single value for n. Under this constraint, n could be any positive number. Therefore, statement (2) alone is also not sufficient to answer the question, and we can eliminate answer choice B.

Both Statements Together:

If we look at our algebra above, we can see that statement (1) tells us that n = 0 or n = 24. Statement (2), meanwhile, tells us that n > 0. Therefore, n cannot equal 0, meaning n must equal 24. Both statements, used together, give us sufficient information to answer the question.

Answer: C

Value DS Example 2:

Major Topic: Absolute Values

Subtopic: Evaluating Absolute Value Equations

If |3y – 2| = 1, then what is the value of y?

1) y is a positive number

2) y2 < y


First, we can solve this absolute value equation for two cases: when (3y – 2) is positive and when (3y – 2) is negative, as follows:

Case 1: 3y – 2 is positive.

3y – 2 = 1

3y = 3

y = 1

Case 2: 3y – 2 is negative.

-(3y – 2) = 1

-3y + 2 = 1

-3y = -1

y = 1/3

The absolute value equation has two solutions: y = 1 and y = 1/3.

Statement (1) Alone:

Statement (1) says that y is a positive number. Both possible values of y are positive, so statement (1) by itself is not sufficient to determine a unique value for y. We can eliminate answer choices A and D.

Statement (2) Alone:

We know that the only way that y2 can be less than y is if y is a positive proper fraction — that is, if y is between 0 and 1.

To illustrate this point, consider some possible values for y, as follows:

  1. If y is a negative number, then y2 will always be positive, and thus y2 will always be greater than y. Thus, in order to satisfy the inequality y2 < y, we see that y cannot be negative.
  2. If y is a positive number greater than 1, then y2 will always be greater than y. Thus, in order to satisfy the inequality, y also cannot be a positive number greater than 1.
  3. If y is a positive proper fraction, when a positive proper fraction is squared, this squared value is less than the value of the original fraction. Thus, we see that y2 < y is true only if y is a positive proper fraction.

From the question stem, we determined that the two possible values of y are y = 1 and y = 1/3. Statement (2) tells us that y must be a positive proper fraction, and only one possible value of y meets this criterion: y = 1/3. Therefore, tatement (2) by itself is sufficient to answer the question. We can eliminate answer choices C and E.

Answer: B

Value DS Example 3:

Major Topic: Statistics

Subtopic: Standard Deviation

What is the standard deviation of Set T?

1) The mean of Set T is 10.

2) The largest data point in Set T is equal to the mean.


Many DS questions can be solved using math tricks, and this is one such question! Let’s evaluate each statement.

Statement (1) Alone:

The mean of Set T is 10.

Just knowing the mean of Set T does not provide enough information to determine the set’s standard deviation. We can eliminate answers A and D.

Statement (2) Alone:

The largest data point in Set T is equal to the mean.

When the largest data point in a set is equal to the mean, all the numbers in the set must be the same.

When all numbers in a data set are the same, the standard deviation of the set is equal to 0. Thus, the standard deviation of Set T is zero, and statement (2) alone was sufficient to answer the question.

Answer: B

Next, let’s discuss yes/no Data Sufficiency questions.

The Yes/No Data Sufficiency Question

The yes/no DS question is quite similar to its “value” counterpart. However, instead of determining whether we can find a singular numerical value from the given statements, we must determine whether we can definitively answer yes or no to the question posed. If we come up with an answer of “sometimes yes and sometimes no,” then the statement is not sufficient.


To determine sufficiency in a yes/no DS question, we must get a definitive yes or no answer.

Here are a few examples of yes/no DS question prompts.

— Is a > b?

— Is the integer n a prime number?

— Is x between 5 and 10?

— Is the mean greater than the median?

Let’s practice answering some Yes/No Data Sufficiency questions.

Yes/No DS Example 1:

Major Topic: Inequalities

Subtopic: Adding Inequalities

Is n > 17 – m?

1) n < 9

2) m < 8


Question Stem Analysis:

First, let’s rewrite the inequality in the question stem by adding m to both of its sides in order to put the variables on the same side. Thus, the question becomes: Is n + m > 17?

Statement (1) Alone:

We know only that n < 9. So, without any information about the value of m, statement (1) is insufficient. Eliminate A and D.

Statement (2) Alone:

We know only that m < 8. So, without any information about the value of n, statement (2) is insufficient. Eliminate B.

Both Statements Together:

If n is less than 9 and m is less than 8, then the sum of n and m must be less than the sum of 9 and 8, which is 17:

n + m < 17

Thus, we can definitely say that the answer to the question “Is n + m > 17?” is no. The sum of n and m must be less than 17, not greater than it. Therefore, statements (1) and (2) together are sufficient to answer the yes/no question.

Answer: C

Yes/No DS Example 2

Major Topic: Number Properties

Subtopic: Divisibility

A researcher has a certain number of volunteers for conducting an experiment about memory loss after age 60. Can he evenly divide the volunteers into 3 groups?

1) If the researcher reduced the number of volunteers by 16 percent, he could evenly divide the volunteers into groups of 9.

2) If the researcher reduced the number of volunteers by 6 percent, he could evenly divide the volunteers into groups of 3.


Let’s let T represent the total number of volunteers. If the volunteers can be evenly placed into 3 groups, then T must be divisible by 3.

Statement (1) Alone:

If the researcher reduces the number of volunteers by 16 percent, then he still has 84% of T, or (84/100)T volunteers remaining. We are told that this number of volunteers is evenly divisible by 9, so we can say that the expression (84/100)T / 9 yields an integer. Let’s simplify this expression:

(21/25)T / 9

(21 x T) / (25 x 9)

7T / 25×3

Thus, the expression 7T / 25×3 must also equal an integer, but 7 is not divisible by either 25 or 3. Thus, T must be divisible by both 25 and 3. Divisibility by 3 indicates that the researcher can divide the T participants into 3 equal groups.

Statement (1) is sufficient. We can eliminate answer choices B, C, and E.

Statement (2) Alone:

If the researcher reduces the number of volunteers by 6 percent, then he still has 94% of T, or (94/100)T volunteers remaining. We are told that this number of volunteers is evenly divisible by 3, so we can say that (94/100)T / 3 is an integer. We can simplify this expression as we did in the analysis of statement (1):

(47/50)T / 3

(47 x T) / (50 x 3)

Thus, this simplified form is also an integer, but 47 is not divisible by either 50 or 3. Thus, T must be divisible by both 50 and 3. Because T is divisible by 3, the researcher again can divide those volunteers into 3 equal groups.

Statement (2) is sufficient. We can eliminate answer choice A.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Each statement by itself allows us to answer the question.

Answer: D

Yes/No DS Example 3

Major Topic: Coordinate Geometry

Subtopic: Lines in the Coordinate Plane

Is (2, 5) on line k?

1) The y-intercept of line k is -2.

2) The slope of line k is positive.


Question Stem Analysis:

In order to answer the question, we need to know more about line k.

Statement (1) Alone:

If the y-intercept of line k is -2, then we know it passes through the point (0, -2), but it may or may not pass through the point (2, 5), depending on the slope of line k. Statement (1) is not sufficient. We can eliminate answer choices A and C.

Statement (2) Alone:

Just knowing only that the slope of line k is positive is not sufficient for answering the question. There are many, many lines with positive slopes. We can eliminate answer choice B.

Both Statements Together:

Even knowing both that the y-intercept of line k is -2 and that its slope is positive will not tell us whether the line passes through (2, 5). For instance, the equation y = x – 2 represents a line with a y-intercept equal to -2 and a positive slope equal to 1 that does not pass through the point (2, 5). The equation y = 3.5x – 2, meanwhile, represents a line that has a y-intercept equal to -2 and a positive slope equal to 3.5, and it does pass through the point (2, 5). Therefore, both statements together are not sufficient to answer the question.

Answer: E


GMAT quant covers 21 major math topics from the disciplines of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, coordinate geometry, number properties, and statistics.

There are two types of quant questions: Problem Solving (PS) and Data Sufficiency (DS).

  • Problem-Solving questions are traditional multiple-choice questions.
  • Data Sufficiency questions are logic-based questions that require the student to analyze two statements to determine whether either or both are sufficient to answer a posed mathematical question.

What’s Next?

The two keys to success on GMAT quant are knowledge of the 21 topics that are tested and familiarity with the question types. In this article, we have provided you with 14 example questions covering both Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency questions.

Because DS questions are unique to the GMAT, you might feel that you need more practice with them. If so, you can read our article focused on Data Sufficiency questions and how to answer them.

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