Should I Retake the GMAT?

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Last Updated on February 25, 2025

All test-takers hope the GMAT will be a “one-shot deal,” but many test-takers end up retaking the GMAT. If you’ve spent any time on GMAT forums or the MBA subreddit, you’ve probably seen countless posts by test-takers soliciting advice, asking “Should I retake the GMAT?”

If you’re wondering whether retaking the GMAT is the right move for you, how long to wait to retake the test, or whether to focus on your applications instead of trying to improve your score, keep reading! In this article, I’ll answer the most common questions about retaking the GMAT. Additionally, I’ll give you key guidelines for crafting a GMAT retake strategy that you can use regardless of your score goal or your target schools.

Should I Retake the GMAT

Here are the topics we’ll cover:

Before we dive into strategy, we need to review the GMAT retake policy and answer the question, “How soon can you retake the GMAT?”

GMAT Retake Policy: How Soon Can I Retake the GMAT?

Test-takers can sit for the GMAT exam once every 16 days, but no more than 5 times in a continuous 12-month period. Unlike with previous versions of the exam, these limits hold true whether you take the in-person or online GMAT. So, you can switch between versions, but you’re still limited to 5 attempts in a 12-month period.

Many test-takers considering a retake wonder, “How much does it cost to retake the GMAT?” The fee for each GMAT attempt is the same, regardless of whether it is your first or fifth exam. Currently, the in-person GMAT costs $275 and the online GMAT costs $300 in the United States. To find the exam fee in your region, check


Test-takers can sit for the GMAT once every 16 days, but no more than 5 times in a continuous 12-month period.

Check out this article for more details on the GMAT retake policy. For now, let’s look at some common situations in which a GMAT retake is a good idea.

Common Reasons to Retake the GMAT

If you’ve been asking yourself, “Should I retake the GMAT?”, generally speaking, the answer tends to be YES. Now, there are, of course, some caveats, which I’ll discuss later in this article. But, more often than not, retaking the GMAT to earn a higher score is a wise strategy. In other words, if you think that you need a GMAT retake, you probably do.

Let’s look at some common answers to the question, “Why should you retake the GMAT?”

More often than not, retaking the GMAT to earn a higher score is a wise strategy.

Anxiety Got the Best of You on Test Day

Sometimes, being well-prepared for the GMAT isn’t enough to quell your test-day nerves, and they get the best of you. Your heart feels like it’s racing, you’re sweating, your mouth is dry, and worst of all, you can’t think straight. Test anxiety is extremely common, and it can wreak havoc on your GMAT score.

If you think that nerves, stress, or the pressure of the exam held you back from earning your highest score possible, the best thing you can do is get right back on the horse. Of course, you don’t want to run into the same issues on your second attempt at the exam. So, before your retake, it’s important to practice some techniques for calming your nerves and refocusing yourself during your exam.

There are plenty of simple yet very effective strategies, from breathing deeply to reciting a mantra, that can help you combat nerves on test day. And if you’re prone to test anxiety in general, you may want to incorporate some stress-reduction strategies such as visualization into your daily life in the 16 days leading up to your retake.

If test anxiety harmed your GMAT performance, check out this article with 16 expert strategies for eliminating test anxiety. Then walk into your GMAT retake ready to kick some butt!


If test anxiety is an issue, practice some stress-reduction techniques and plan to use them during your retake.

The Test Center Threw Off Your Game

To prepare for the exam, you should always do your best to duplicate test-day conditions when taking practice GMATs. However, you only have so much control over how the test center environment is going to affect your GMAT performance.

Maybe the temperature in the exam room was at arctic levels, so you shivered your way through your exam. Or perhaps the person at the next desk kept clearing his throat or tapping his fingers on his desk. Maybe a fire alarm went off in the middle of your exam, or there was a glitch with your computer that required the assistance of the proctor, or your markers kept running dry.

Any number of distractions and calamities at the test center could throw off your GMAT game, but don’t give up! The best thing you can do is tell yourself that lightning will not strike twice, and schedule your GMAT retake for as soon as possible.

You may also want to seriously consider a GMAT online retake (provided you have the necessary space and equipment). Particularly if you feel as though the test center environment is somewhat distracting to you in general, retaking the GMAT at home can be a great option.


If problems or distractions at the test center threw off your game, consider the online GMAT for your retake.

Have you decided to retake the GMAT at a test center? This checklist of what to bring on GMAT test day can help prepare you for the test center environment.

You Had a Bad Day

Bad days can happen to even the most well-prepared GMAT student. Maybe on exam day, you felt like you were coming down with a cold, or maybe you slept poorly. Perhaps you had car trouble on test day, or your commute took longer than expected and you felt rushed once you arrived. Maybe, for whatever reason, you just felt “off,” and your test performance suffered as a result.

Even professional athletes strike out from time to time. But they don’t stop playing because of one bad day. The best thing you can do if test day becomes a bad day is to move on from it. Tell yourself, “Now that I got my bad day out of the way, I’m going to have a great day the next time I sit for the GMAT.” Chances are, you will!


If you simply had a bad day on exam day, don’t dwell on it: schedule your retake with confidence!

We’ve looked at some scenarios in which it’s generally a smart strategy to retake the test as soon as possible. Next, let’s discuss some situations in which the answer to the question “When should I retake the GMAT?” involves taking more than the minimum 16 days to prepare.

You Mismanaged Your Time During the Exam

Poor time management on test day could be the result of rushing through questions because of nerves, worrying about previous or upcoming questions instead of focusing on the question in front of you, or implementing misguided strategies such as overinvesting time in the first 7 questions of a section. Any of those issues could yield a GMAT score that doesn’t reflect your true knowledge and abilities.

However, running out of time in a section or leaving questions unanswered could be a sign of a larger issue that may require more than 16 days to address. Often, pacing issues on the GMAT are a sign that there are gaps in a test-taker’s GMAT knowledge. In these cases, further GMAT prep is necessary.

Also, it is possible that you simply did not spend enough time honing your pacing strategies during your GMAT prep. Remember, pacing yourself under strict time constraints throughout a lengthy exam featuring multiple different question types is a skill in its own right. Most test-takers need significant time and practice to build that skill.

To improve your pacing in each GMAT section, check out our timing strategies for Quant, Verbal, and Data Insights.

Identify and Address Your Time-Management Issues

So, if your GMAT score suffered as a result of poor time management, evaluate why you were unable to properly pace yourself. Then, schedule your retake accordingly. Your Official Score Report can help you see which sections tripped up your timing most. In addition, you can identify larger patterns that may have been particularly detrimental to your score, such as losing steam toward the end of each section.

If your poor time management resulted from easily remedied bad habits or a misguided strategy, then you may be able to simply recognize and avoid those issues in the future. Thus, you may be able to sit for your retake soon after your initial exam.

However, if your pacing problems were related to a lack of content knowledge in certain areas, you may need more than 16 days, or even 30 days, to prepare for your retake. Retaking the test right away with the hope that you’ll simply get “better questions” is not a realistic strategy.

Be very honest with yourself when analyzing the reasons for your pacing issues on test day. You don’t want to waste time and money on a retake that is going to produce the same result. Remember, you don’t have to retake the GMAT in exactly 16 days just because you can!


If poor time management harmed your score, determine the causes, and give yourself time to resolve them before retaking the GMAT.

Next, let’s discuss a dreaded scenario for any GMAT test-taker: your exam score fell short of your practice test scores.

You Had Higher Scores on Practice Tests

There are numerous reasons why test-takers may earn lower scores on the actual GMAT than on their practice tests. Some of those reasons don’t require much time to address. For instance, maybe you burned yourself out cramming or taking multiple practice tests in the week before your GMAT. If so, you could simply take a more measured approach to test week next time.

However, maybe you didn’t take enough practice tests during your GMAT prep to get an accurate picture of your readiness. For example, if you took only 3 of the 6 full-length, official practice tests available at, maybe your higher scores on those 3 tests weren’t indicative of your true GMAT skill. Perhaps if you had taken 3 more practice tests, you would’ve found that your score was more variable.

In that case, ideally, you would take the 3 remaining practice tests, leaving yourself enough time between each test to analyze the questions you answered incorrectly and shore up your knowledge in those areas. 16 days may not be enough for you to complete that work.

Of course, that is just one common scenario. As I said, a score drop on test day can happen for any number of reasons. So, analyze the reasons for your score drop objectively to determine a realistic amount of time to improve your score.

Whatever the reason, if you were consistently scoring higher on GMAT practice tests than you scored on your actual exam, a GMAT retake is probably your best bet, provided you have time to correct your mistakes.


Carefully analyze the reasons for your test-day score drop to determine how much time you’ll need to improve your score.

Now, let’s examine the quality of the study resources that you used to prepare for the GMAT.

You Didn’t Use Thorough GMAT Prep Materials

If you don’t use comprehensive materials for your GMAT prep, you are unlikely to be fully prepared for the GMAT. Consequently, your score will reflect knowledge gaps and a general lack of ease and efficiency in answering GMAT questions.

The fact is, there is a TON of content to master in order to perform well on the GMAT. This content covers a broad range of topics and concepts. So, you need to use GMAT prep materials that teach all of that content in an in-depth way and provide ample practice, so you can apply all your knowledge and hone your skills at tackling all the different GMAT question types.

Did you devote ample time and effort to your GMAT prep but still felt unprepared for many test-day questions? There is a good chance that your prep materials aren’t sufficient for your needs, and you should explore other resources.

Spend some time researching the best GMAT study resources. For example, read verified course reviews by GMAT students on reputable websites such as GMAT Club and Beat the GMAT. Sign up for trials to test out different GMAT preparation courses for yourself (most trials are free or very low-cost). Most GMAT students don’t have an infinite amount of time to prepare for the test. So, there is no reason to keep sinking more and more time into prep materials that aren’t working for you.

Prepare with Better GMAT Resources

Often, students initially choose GMAT prep materials without thinking through their decision. They simply went with a name they recognized or bought the first GMAT books they found. However, not all GMAT prep materials are created equal. Moreover, you can’t expect the same GMAT prep materials you’ve been using for the past 6 months to suddenly produce a different result after another month.

For example, I know a GMAT student who started with a 525 GMAT score and had a goal of 675. After spending months working through a self-study course, he was shocked when he scored just 555 on the actual GMAT, only 30 points higher than his baseline. Luckily, he had given himself ample time to study before his deadlines, so he decided to retake the test. However, he didn’t want to continue studying with the prep course he’d used for his first exam.

After researching different courses, he decided to switch to the TTP course. He completed his TTP study plan and ended up scoring 685 on his GMAT retake, 10 points higher than his target score and 160 points higher than his first exam score. And there are many other GMAT students just like him.

So, if you really gave your GMAT prep your all, but you found yourself still at a loss on many questions on test day, consider investing in GMAT prep materials that are more comprehensive than the ones you used before, putting in more study time, and then retaking the GMAT.


If you put ample time and effort into your prep and still find yourself stumped by actual GMAT questions, use more thorough prep materials before your retake.

Next, let’s discuss scheduling a retake when a business school has requested a higher GMAT score.

You Received a Conditional Acceptance

Occasionally, business schools will request a higher GMAT score from an applicant. In other cases, schools will offer an applicant a “conditional” acceptance pending a higher GMAT score. Assuming you haven’t already been accepted to another school you’d rather attend if a school would like a higher score from you, why not do everything in your power to provide it?

Of course, you will need to account for any deadlines the school puts in place for providing your updated score. But if you can wait more than 16 days to retake the test, you may want to do so. That way, you can give yourself sufficient time to brush up on your skills and improve your score.


If you can wait more than 16 days to retake the GMAT and provide a higher score to a school requesting one, consider doing so.

Let’s now discuss retaking the GMAT when you’re aiming to earn scholarships.

You’re Targeting Scholarships

Are you hoping to secure scholarship money to help fund your MBA? Boosting your GMAT score can make you a more attractive candidate for merit-based scholarships. Particularly if you’re not too far from the GMAT score you need and you feel pretty confident that, with a little more studying, you could improve your score in the time you have before your deadlines, there really is no reason not to give the GMAT another shot.


Boosting your GMAT score can make you a more attractive candidate for merit-based scholarships.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to retake GMAT exams. But the one factor common to all students retaking the test is that they want or need higher test scores.

Of course, the primary reason test-takers consider GMAT retakes is that they need higher scores to be competitive at their target schools. However, sometimes determining whether you really need to shoot for a higher score can be tricky.

With that in mind, let’s run through some possible scenarios and take a look at a real-life case study to determine whether to retake the GMAT if your situation isn’t quite as cut and dried as the ones we’ve already discussed.

GMAT Retake Strategy: Is a GMAT Retake Worth It?

Often, students fall into a “gray area” when determining whether to retake the GMAT and how long to wait to take it again. And since every person’s situation is different, decisions about GMAT retakes need to be made on a case-by-case basis. Nevertheless, it is helpful to look at some example scenarios to determine whether retaking the GMAT is the right move. So, let’s analyze a few common scenarios.

Scenario 1: Your Deadline is Close and Your Score is Acceptable

Let’s say you’re applying to Wharton, Stanford, and HBS, and you’re 6 weeks from your application deadlines. You score 665, a 94th percentile score, on your GMAT. A 94th percentile score is borderline for HBS, which has a median GMAT score in the 96th percentile, and for Stanford, which has an average GMAT score in the 97th percentile, and about average for Wharton, which has an average GMAT score in the 94th percentile. In other words, your score is acceptable but not great. So, is it worth it to retake the test?

Well, if you were scoring 705, a 99th percentile score, on practice tests, then I’d say yes. Take a couple of weeks to brush up on your skills, correct any obvious issues, and retake the GMAT. Particularly if you are part of a group that is typically overrepresented in business school admissions, you may need that higher GMAT percentile to be competitive at your target schools. Since you’re capable of earning it on practice tests, you should be capable of earning it on the real thing.

However, if you were scoring in the 655 to 665 range on practice tests, you may need to study for longer than a couple of weeks to improve your score. In that case, you need to realistically assess how your GMAT score looks in the context of your overall profile.

Consider How a Better Score Affects Your Applicant Profile

If you’re part of an overrepresented group or you have other weak points in your profile, consider whether to put off applying until the next round or next year, so you have the time you need to earn a higher score. You can also contact admissions to see whether they’ll accept a GMAT score after the application deadline.

The point is, you never want your GMAT score to be the reason you get rejected from your target schools. Especially for M7 schools, you have to be realistic about what scores might disqualify you. Depending on your applicant profile, with a borderline score, the smartest play may be to shoot for a higher score.

This type of scenario is a good reminder not to leave your GMAT to the last minute. If you give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to prepare for and take the GMAT, you can avoid a situation in which you’re pressed for time but not quite at your goal.


If you need a better score to enhance your profile, give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to prepare for your GMAT retake.

Next, let’s discuss retaking the GMAT when you have a high score that does not reflect your potential performance.

Scenario 2: Your Score is High, But You Know You Can Score Higher

People tend to think that if they already have a high GMAT score, there is no point in retaking the GMAT to improve that score. But if you really have a shot at scoring higher and you have the time to retake the test, why not go for it?

For example, let’s say you scored 705 on your GMAT. You have an impressive score that is above the average GMAT scores at your target schools. But what if you feel fairly confident that with a little more time, you could score 755? Perhaps your scores on practice tests were already in that higher range. Or maybe you’ve been making consistent strides and feel good about the material and your ability to keep improving. Maybe you know the material well, but you made a few strategic missteps that you know you can correct.

Let’s assume that you’re not up against a deadline that precludes a retake. In that case, does it really make sense to throw your hands up and say 705 is good enough? Wouldn’t you rather achieve a GMAT score that reflects your true abilities?

Avoid the Perfectionist’s Trap

Now, one thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to fall into the perfectionist’s trap. Many students with this mindset end up spending months trying to improve a GMAT score from, for example, 735 to 755. However, most people with 735+ scores would be better off working on other aspects of their applications. Spending more time on other aspects likely will be more helpful than another 20 points on the GMAT.

Now, let’s say you’re applying to top business schools and you have good reason to believe you can improve your score from, say, 695 or 705. Particularly if you are in an overrepresented group, it may be worthwhile to do more prep and retake the GMAT.


If you’re confident you can boost an already high score, go for it, but avoid the perfectionist’s trap.

Let’s now discuss how to approach a GMAT retake when your initial preparation was incomplete.

Scenario 3: You Used TTP but Didn’t Complete the Course

When a TTP student comes to me and says, “I didn’t hit my score goal on my exam,” the first question I ask is, “Did you complete the entire course?”

The fact is, the TTP GMAT Course creates personalized study plans calibrated to meet each student’s needs and goals. So, if you’ve only partially completed your study plan, you’re going to be part of the way to your goal. To get all the way to your score goal, you have to complete your TTP course in full.

A prime example of this is a student who recently used the TTP course to study for her GMAT. She started with a pretty solid foundation in GMAT concepts, so she figured she could schedule her GMAT a few weeks out and hit her score goal. When her test date arrived, she had completed 40% of her study plan:

retake GMAT

This student ended up falling short of her score goal by 50 points on test day. When she contacted me for advice on how to move forward, I asked her, “Did you complete the entire course?”

Complete the TTP Course In Full

Here is what her course completion looked like when she sat for her GMAT retake and knocked it out of the park:

retaking GMAT

I always tell my students that it’s worth it to complete the TTP course in full, and then retake the GMAT, if they sat for their exam before completing the course. Invariably, if they follow this advice, their scores increase on their next exam. So, don’t assume that your score after completing some arbitrary amount of the course is “the best you can do.” You can’t expect to get the full result if you put in only part of the work!


If you took the GMAT before finishing the TTP course, finish the entire course before you retake the exam.

Now that we’ve looked at a few scenarios in which test-takers generally should retake the GMAT, let’s discuss some reasons why retaking the GMAT may not be necessary.

When to Stick with Your Score

As we’ve seen, there are plenty of times when it makes sense to retake the GMAT. However, you don’t always have to retake just because your score isn’t quite as high as it could be. Simply, there are times when students may think that they could earn a higher score if they needed to. What these students miss is that they don’t really need to.

For example, let’s say you’re in the middle of your desired GMAT score range for your target schools. You have some reach schools and some safety schools, and in light of your overall profile, you may be happy with your score. In that case, there may not be any clear reason to spend the time and money (and endure the stress) to retake the GMAT rather than work on other aspects of your application, so that you’re more competitive overall.

The point is, applicants don’t always need to be at the top of a school’s GMAT range to be competitive. Otherwise, there would be no GMAT score range. And while the GMAT is important, it is just one aspect of your profile. So, if you have a solid score for the schools you’re targeting, and you can’t think of a specific reason to retake, don’t sit for a GMAT retake just because you have the time. That time could probably be put to better use in other important ways, such as polishing your application essays.


If you don’t have a clear reason to retake the GMAT, consider focusing on improving other parts of your applications.

Have you determined that you need to retake the GMAT? You may be wondering if business schools frown upon applicants who take the test multiple times. Let’s discuss.

Does Retaking the GMAT “Look Bad”?

The short answer is NO. In fact, schools don’t even know if you have retaken the GMAT unless you choose to tell them.

Before November 7, 2023, this was a burning question for GMAT test-takers. The GMAT score report sent to schools included scores for your previous GMAT attempts. So, admissions committees could see how many times you had taken the exam and the trend in your scores. For many students, this was a source of frustration.

The good news is that since November 7, 2023, schools only receive your most recent GMAT score. However, you may, for an additional fee, submit any previous scores you choose. If you show a significant improvement trend over time, it could look quite attractive to admissions. Retaking the GMAT (and scoring higher) can demonstrate grit, determination, self-awareness, and good judgment — all desirable traits for MBA students and future business leaders.


Schools will not know if you have retaken the GMAT unless you tell them.

Let’s wrap up by discussing how to minimize the number of GMAT retakes that you need.

Avoid Unnecessary Retakes

To avoid unnecessary retakes, make sure to follow these guidelines:

In other words, plan ahead! This article on how to choose your GMAT test date can help.

Remember, deciding whether to retake the GMAT is a matter of balancing how easily you can improve your score with how much time you have to improve it. So, the more time you give yourself before your deadlines, the more flexibility you’ll have in planning a retake strategy.


To decide whether to retake the GMAT, balance how easily you can improve your score with how much time you have to improve it.

Key Takeaways

  • You can take the GMAT every 16 days, but you are limited to 5 times in a rolling 12-month period.
  • If test anxiety is an issue, practice some stress-reduction techniques and plan to use them during your retake.
  • Consider the online GMAT if test-center problems or distractions threw off your game.
  • If you simply had a bad day on exam day, don’t dwell on it: schedule your retake with confidence!
  • If poor time management harmed your score, determine the causes, and give yourself time to resolve them before retaking the GMAT.
  • Carefully analyze the reasons for your test-day score drop to determine how much time you’ll need to improve your score.
  • If you put ample time and effort into your prep and still found yourself stumped by actual GMAT questions, use more thorough prep materials before your retake.
  • If you can wait more than 16 days to retake the GMAT and provide a higher score to a school that has conditionally accepted you, consider doing so.
  • If you’re aiming for merit-based scholarships, consider retaking the GMAT to make your candidacy more attractive.
  • If you need a better score to enhance your profile, give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to prepare for your GMAT retake.
  • If you’re confident you can boost an already high score, go for it, but avoid the perfectionist’s trap.
  • If you took the GMAT before finishing the TTP course, finish the entire course before you retake the exam.
  • If you don’t have a clear reason to retake the GMAT, consider focusing on improving other parts of your applications.
  • When deciding whether to retake the GMAT, consider how easily you can improve your score and how much time you have to do so.

What’s Next?

Now that you know how to choose your GMAT retake strategy, learn the ins and outs of GMAT score validity.

Curious about the average score at elite MBA programs? Check out this article about average GMAT scores at the top 10 business schools.

Interested in expert help for your GMAT retake? Sign up for a free consultation to learn how TTP’s GMAT tutors can help you reach your goals.

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